Monday, 16 January 2012

January 16th
Well the exhibition  has now finished at the Mall. My bag was a little lighter on return, but not very. I was pleased with how my display looked, but it certainly helped me to make up my mind to  launch forth into some bigger installations rather than 2 D pieces. What was really great, was meeting visitors, hearing their comments about the whole exhibition and making new friends from the exhibiting makers. This is how my work looked.

Visit to Lost in Lace

This is a must for those friends in  the UK. It is on in birmingham and is inspirational. Thanks to Sue for booking my ticket. a great day out with Sue and Sheila.

Naomi Kobayashi

 Annie Bascoul

 Michael Brennand- Wood

Chiharu Shiota
 Suzumi Noda

Atelier Manferdini

It would  be great to have the opportunity to develop  my own paper lace installations in such a space. Humble they might be.

 Dress form exhibited in Israel. Seen here at the opening. Brenda Parsons

No Place for a Lady Installation  Brenda Parsons

AND I have blogged 2 weeks running. Already better than last year!!!!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

A Happy New Year to all my friends. 

One of my 2012 New Year Resolutions is to master Blogging. I enjoy reading blogs of other artists and bloggers and marvel at their efficiency, creativity and frequency of posts. I know that my efforts will be minimal and limited to begin with, but hopefully I will improve as the year progresses. Handy hints gratefully received. Thanks to Cas Holmes, Lesley Bricknell, Zoelee Worsley and Dionne Swift for  inspiring me to 'Have a Go.'

I was delighted at the beginning of the first week of  2012 to deliver my work to the Mall Gallery for the Society of Designer Craftsmen's 2012 exhibition. The first time I have shown work in the main  SDC exhibition, so I am looking forward to seeing it hung. Here is a photograph of my attempt to capture the work on my Conservatory floor. The work depicts my favourite places in Devon- Dartmoor, the countryside and coast. 
Also photos of Tigger attempting to help!!!

I hope that some of you will visit the exhibition, which will be a wealth of wonderful artworks in wood, ceramics, metal, textiles,jewellery and Mixed Media. Inspiring!
On line catalogue

My Solo Exhibition is still running in Orpingtonin  a wonderful tea and coffee shop called Mystic Brew. Do try to visit if you are close enough.