Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Preparing to exhibit in the Groyne Gallery Walton on the Naze

This week I visited Walton on the Naze for the first time to look at the beach groynes. A dull windy day but as always  being on the beach is inspirational. I have now finished my artwork so feel relaxed and am looking forward to hanging it. Mere de la Mer dress hanging or draping depending on wind and tide!!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

A new month and new work on the horizon

Currently working on landscape and enjoying sampling

Today  we enjoyed a super walk in the snow. Took some photos to inspire future work

The moths Group of textile artists are still looking for an exhibition venue near to the centre of London. Do contact me if you have any good ideas.

tomorrow I will be focussing on learning how to use my knitting machine. I can't wait to master it and then break all the rules.